Sunday, September 15, 2013

The bucket list (Sara Donoso)

The first time i saw this movie i was very upset, so when i starter watching it, i started to laugh a los. I enjoy this movie very much.
I personally think i feel identified with Carter because he is a very calm person, i consider myself like that... After all that they've been through, they will always hace love in their hearts. When you hear some news like that, you don't know what to do ir what to expect, you found yourself alone, because a disease like that only affects you. However, emotionally affects all the people who are around that person. A person becomes slave of his body.
Passing through hard moments in life requiers to have a lot of strenght, and also, a lot of courage, lot of everything, but the most important thing is to be peaceful, because that's all that you have left.
Also, i feel very identified in general with the movie because i'm going through that type of experience in some way. One of my favorite persons in the world only has one year left to live, and my mom is going through quimio. Beside all the awful things that happen in life and in their lives, the only thing that's left is the laughter... Being happy with small or big things, but it is important to be surrounded by people who make you happy and make you feel in peace.
Just like in the movie, they kinda ran away from their disease, but at the end their family is all that they have. It's like a personal experience.

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